The Quantum Nano Engineering Laboratory
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel
Adva Shpatz Dayan, Avi Schneider, Doron Azulay, Yossi Paltiel, Lioz Etgar
Gur Aminadav, Omer Shoseyov, Shylee Belsey, Daniel Voignac, Shira Yochelis, Yael Levi-Kalisman, Binghai Yan, Oded Shoseyov*, Yossi Paltiel*
Daniel Voignac, Barak Ratzker, Bar Favelukis, Amir Rudich, Einat Zelinger, Maxim Sokol, Yossi Paltiel, Oded Shoseyov
Naama Maroudas-Sklare, Naama Goren, Shira Yochelis, Grzegorz Jung, Nir Keren, Yossi Paltiel
Nir Yuran, Bagavathi Muniyandi, Arka Saha, Shira Yochelis, Daniel Sharon*, Yossi Paltiel*, Malachi Noked
Thi Ngoc Ha Nguyen, Georgeta Salvan, Olav Hellwig, Yossi Paltiel, Lech Thomasz Baczewski, Christoph Tegenkamp
Yael Kapon, Qirong Zhu, Shira Yochelis, Ron Naaman, Rafael Gutierrez, Giannaurelio Cuniberti, Yossi Paltiel, Vladimiro Mujica
Emma Joy Dodson, Jianfei Ma, Maayan Suissa Szlejf, Naama Maroudas-Sklare, Yossi Paltiel, Noam Adir, Shan Sun, Sen-Fang Sui, Nir Keren
Christina M. Niman, Nir Sukenik, Tram Dang, Justus Nwachukwu, Miyuki A. Thirumurthy, Anne K. Jones, Ron Naaman, Kakali Santra, Tapan K. Das, Yossi Paltiel, Lech Tomasz Baczewski, Mohamed Y. El-Naggar
Anu Gupta, Anil Kumar, Deb Kumar Bhowmick, Claudio Fontanesi, Yossi Paltiel, Jonas Fransson, Ron Naaman
S. Furkan Ozturk, Deb Kumar Bhowmick, Yael Kapon, Yutao Sang, Anil Kumar, Yossi Paltiel, Ron Naaman & Dimitar D. Sasselov
Y Kapon, F Kammerbauer, S Yochelis, M Kläui, Y Paltiel
O. Vardi, N. Maroudas-Sklare, Y. Kolodny, A. Volosniev, A. Saragovi, N. Galili, S. Ferrera, A. Ghazaryan, N. Yuran, H. P. Affek, B. Luz, Y. Goldsmith, N. Keren, S. Yochelis, I. Halevy, M. Lemeshko, Y. Paltiel
D. Voignac, S. Belsey, E. Wermter, Y. Paltiel, O. Shoseyov
G. Bauer, M. Ozeri, M. S. Anwar, H. Matsuki, N. Stelmashenko, S. Yochelis, M. Cuoco, J. W. A. Robinson, Y. Paltiel, and O. Millo
X.-F. Chen, W. Luo, T.-F. Fang, Y. Paltiel, O. Millo, A.-M. Guo, and Q.-F. Sun
M. Ozeri, J. Xu, G. Bauer, L. A. B. Olde Olthof, G. Kimbell, A. Wittmann, S. Yochelis, J. Fransson, J. W. A. Robinson, Y. Paltiel, and O. Millo
D. Voignac, E. Sar-Shalom, Y. Paltiel, O. Shoseyov, J. Bohbot
N. Sukenik, M. Ozeri, A. Gutfreund, N. Fridman, A. Noah, S. Yochelis, S. Remennik, Y. Anahory, O. Millo, Y. Paltiel
T. N. H. Nguyen, Y. Paltiel, L. T. Baczewski, and C. Tegenkamp
M. Ozeri, T.R. Devidas, H. Alpern, E. Persky, A.V. Bjorlig, N. Sukenik, S. Yochelis, A. Di Bernardo, B. Kalisky, O. Millo, Y. Paltiel
H.T. Fridman, H. Manis-Levy, A. Meir, A. Casotto, R. Malkinson, J. Dehnel, S. Yochelis, E. Lifshitz, N. Bar-Gill, E. Collini, Y. Paltiel
T.S. Metzger, H. Batchu, A. Kumar, D.A. Fedoto, N. Goren, D.K. Bhowmick, I. Shioukhi, S. Yochelis, I. Schapiro, R. Naaman, O. Gidron, Y. Paltiel
Spin-Induced Organization of Cellulose Nanocrystals
Interior and Edge Magnetization in Thin Exfoliated CrGeTe3 Films
Peptide-Encapsulated Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube-Based Near-Infrared Optical Nose for Bacteria Detection and Classification
Control of magneto-optical properties of cobalt-layers by adsorption of α-helical polyalanine self-assembled monolayers†
A. Sharma, P. Matthes, I. Soldatov, S. S. P. K. Arekapudi, B. Bohm, M. Linder, O. Selyshchev, N. T. N. Ha, M. Mehring, C. Tegenkamp, S. E. Schultz, D. R. T. Zahn, Y. Paltiel, O. Hellwig, G. Salvan
Earlier Works
B. Reznychenko, E. Mazer, M. Coden, E. Collini, C. N. DiBenedetto, A. Donval, B. Fresch, H. Gattuso, N. Gross, Y. Paltiel, F. Remacle, M. Striccoli, "An n-Bit Adder Realized via Coherent Optical Parallel Computing," IEEE ICRC, 2019.
R. Naaman, D. H. Waldeck, Y. Paltiel, "Chiral molecules-ferromagnetic interfaces, an approach towards spin controlled interactions," Appl. Phys. Lett., 115, 133701, 2019.
R. Naaman, T. S. Metzger, S. Mishra, B. P. Bloom, N. Goren, A. Neubauer, G. Shmul, J. Wei, S. Yochelis, F. Tassinari, C. Fontanesi, D. H. Waldeck, Y. Paltiel, "The electron spin as a chiral reagent," Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 10, 2019.
R. R. Choubeh, L. Bar-Eyal, Y. Paltiel, N. Keren, P. C. Struik, H. Van Amerongen, "Photosystem II core quenching in desiccated Leptolyngbya ohadii," Photosynthesis Research, 2019.
H. Alpern, K. Yavilberg, T. Dvir, N. Sukenik, M. Klang, S. Yochelis, H. Cohen, E. Grosfeld, H. Steinberg, Y. Paltiel, O. Millo, "Magnetic-related States and Order Parameter Induced in a Conventional Superconductor by Nonmagnetic Chiral Molecules," Nano Lett., 19, 2019.
A. Ziv, A. Saha, H. Alpern, N. Sukenik, L. T. Baczewzki, S. Yochelis, M. Reches, Y. Paltiel, "AFM‐Based Spin‐Exchange Microscopy Using Chiral Molecules," Adv. Mater., 1904206, 2019.
L. Saltoun Raz, E. Sachyani Keneth, Y. Jang, A. Shapiro, E. Cohen, S. Yochelis, E. Lifshitz, S. Magdassi, Y. Paltiel, "Simple fabrication of SWIR detectors based on wet deposition of carbon nanotubes and quantum dots," Sensors and Actuators A, 295, 2019.
Y. Kolodny, H. Zer, M. Propper, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, N. Keren, "Marine Cyanobacteria Tune Energy Transfer Efficiency in their Light-harvesting Antennae by Modifying Pigment Coupling," BioRxiv, 2019.
F. Tassinari, J. Steidel, S. Paltiel, C. Fontanesi, M. Lahav, Y. Paltiel, R. Naaman, "Enantioseparation by crystallization using magnetic substrates," Chem. Sci., 10, 2019.
H. Fridman, J. Dehnel, S. Yochelis, E. Lifshitz, Y. Paltiel, "Spin-Exciton Delocalization Enhancement in Multilayer Chiral Linker/Quantum Dot Structures," J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10(14), 2019.
A. Ziv, A. Tzaguy, Z. Sun, S. Yochelis, E. Statakis, G. Kenanakis, G. C. Schatz, L. J. Lauhon, D. N. Seidman, Y. Paltiel, R. Yerushalmi, "Broad-band high-gain room temperature photodetectors using semiconductor–metal nanofloret hybrids with wide plasmonic response," Nanoscale, 11, 2019.
R. Naaman, Y. Paltiel, D. H. Waldeck, "Chiral molecules and the electron spin," Nature Reviews Chemistry, 3, 2019.
E. Z. B. Smolinsky, A. Neubauer, A. Kumar, S. Yochelis, E. Capua, R. Carmieli, Y. Paltiel, R. Naaman, K. Michaeli, "Electric Field-Controlled Magnetization in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures–Chiral Organic Molecules Hybrids," J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10(5), 2019.
E. M. Choi, A. Di Bernardo, B. Zho, P. Lue, H. Alpern, K. H. L. Zhang, T. Shapira, J. Feinghan, X. Sun, J. Robinson, Y. Paltiel, O. Millo, H. Wang, Q. Jia, J. Driscoll, "3D-strain induced superconductivity in La2CuO4+ using a simple vertically aligned nanocomposite approach," Science Advances, 2019.
A. Neubauer, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, "Simple multi spectral detection using infrared nanocrystal detector," IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019.
G. Koplovitz, G. Leitus, S. Ghosh, B. P. Bloom, S. Yochelis, D. Rotem, F. Vischo, M. Striccoli, E. Fanizza, R. Naaman, D. H. Waldeck, D. Porath, Y. Paltiel, "Single Domain 10 nm Ferromagnetism Imprinted on Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Using Chiral Molecules," Small, 15(1), 2019.
T. N. Ha Nguyen, D. Solonenko, O. Selyshchev, P. Vogi, D. R. T. Zhan, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, C. Tegenkamp, "Helical Ordering of α-l-Polyalanine Molecular Layers by Interdigitation," J. Phys. Chem. C, 123(1), 2019.
L Bar-Eyal, A. Shperberg-Avni, Y. Paltiel, N. Keren, N Adir; Light harvesting in cyanobacteria: The phycobilisomes Light Harvesting in Photosynthesis (2018).
T. Purcell, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, T. Seideman; Determining the Molecular Dipole Orientation on Nanoplasmonic Structures J. Phys. Chem. C 122 16901(2018).
H. Al Bustami, G. Koplovitz, D. Primc, S. Yochelis, E. Capua, D. Porath, R. Naaman, and Y. Paltiel Single Nanoparticle Magnetic Sn Memristor; Small 14 1801249 (2018).
R. Naaman, Y. Paltiel, and D. H. Waldeck; Chirality and Sn: A Different Perspective on Enantioselective Interactions; Chimia 72 394 (2018).
C. Fontanesi, E. Capua, Y. Paltiel, D. H. Waldeck and R. Naaman; Spin‐Dependent Processes Measured without a Permanent Magnet Advanced Materials 2018 170390 (2018).
E. Cohen, P. Komm, N. Rosenthal-Strauss, J. Dehnel∥, E. Lifshitz∥, S. Yochelis, R.D. Levine, F. Remacle, B. Fresch, G. Marcus, and Y. Paltiel; Fast Energy Transfer in CdSe Quantum Dot Layered Structures: Controlling Coupling with Covalent-Bond Organic Linkers; J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 5753-5758 (2018).
Lior Bezen, Shira Yochelis, Dilhara Jayarathna, Dinesh Bhunia, Catalina Achim, and Yossi Paltiel; Chiral Molecule-Enhanced Extinction Ratios of Quantum Dots Coupled to Random Plasmonic Structures; Langmuir, 34 (9), 3076–308 (2018).
O. Ben Dor, S. Yochelis, H. Ohldag. and Y. Paltiel, Optical chiral induced sn selectivity XMCD study; Chimia 72 379 (2018).
K. B. Ghosh, O. Ben Dor, F. Tassinari, E. Capua, S. Yochelis, A. Capua, S.-H. Yang, S. S. P. Parkin, S. Sarkar, L. Kronik, L. T. Baczewski, R. Naaman, and Y. Paltiel; Enantio-Specific Interaction of Chiral Molecules with Magnetic Substrates Science 360 1331 10.1126/science.aar4265 (2018).
Dvir Munk, Moshe Katzman, Ohad Westreich, Moran Bin Nun, Yedidya Lior, Noam Sicron, Yossi Paltiel, Avi Zadok; Four-wave mixing and nonlinear parameter measurement in a gallium-nitride ridge waveguide; Optical Materials Express 8 (1), 66 (2018).
E. Katzir, N. Sukenik, H. Alpern, S. Yochelis, O. Millo, and Y. Paltiel; Enhanced vortex pinning in Nb using proximity effect through organic molecules J. Phys. Commun. 2 025001 (2018).
D. Munk, M. Katzman, O, Westrich, M. Bin Nun, Y. Lior, N. Sincron, Y. Paltiel, and A. Zadok Four-wave mixing and nonlinear index measurement in a gallium-nitride ridge waveguide Optics Materials Express 8 307447 (2018).
N. Keren, and Y. Paltiel Photosynthetic energy transfer at the quantum/classical border Trends in Plant Science TIPS (TRPLSC 1664) (2018).
N. Sukenik. H. Alpern, E. Katzir, S. Yochelis, O. Millo, and Y. Paltiel Proximity effect through chiral molecules in Nb - graphene based devices Advanced Materials Technologies 3. 2018, 1700300 (2018).
A. Perlman Illouz, E. Cohen, U. Peskin, S. Yochelis, and Y. Paltiel; Quantum Dots coupling control in a vertical transport device at ambient conditions ACS OMEGA 3 6224 (2018).
Y. Kurzweil-Segev, Ivan Popov, Ido Eisenberg, Shira Yochelis, Nir Keren, Yossi Paltiel, and Yuri Feldman Confined Water Dynamics in Hydrated photsynthetic gment protein complex. PCCP 19, 28063-28070 (2017).
O. Westreich, M. Katz, Gil Atar, Y. Paltiel, and N. Sicron; Reducing optical losses in GaN waveguides - Toward an electro-optic phase modulator; Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science 215 1700551 (2017).
A. Neubauer, A. Sharo, S. Yochelis, E. Capua, A. Sharo, R. Namman, E. Lifshitz and Y. Paltiel; Enhancement of Near Infrared Light Sensing using Side-Gate Modulation Accepted Sensors & Actuators: A (2017).
A. Chenu, N. Keren, Y. Paltiel, R. Nevo, Z. Reich, and J. Cao; Light Adaptation in Phycobilisome Antennas: Influence on the Rod Length and Structural Arrangement; J. Phys. Chem. B 121 9196 (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b07781
O. Westreich, M. Katz, Gil Atar, Y. Paltiel, and N. Sicron Optical losses in p-type layers of GaN ridge waveguides in the IR region Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 022103 (2017).
I. Eisenberg, D. Harris, Y. Levi-Kalisman, S. Yochelis, A. Shemesh, G. Ben-Nissan, M. Sharon, U. Raviv, N. Adir, N. Keren, and Y. Paltiel, Concentration Based Self-Assembly of Phycocyanin; Photosynthesis Research 134 39-49 (2017).
L. Bar Eyal, R. R. Choubeh, E. Cohen, I. Eisenberg, U. Raviv, M. Dorogie, R. Ünnepf, R. Nevog, Z. Reichg, G. Garabe, H. van Amerongen, Y. Paltiel, and Nir Keren Light harvesting dynamics in desert crust cyanobacteria: Changes in aggregation state as a mechanism for modulating energy transfer; PNAS 114, 9481-9486 (2017).
A. Ziv, A. Tzaguyb, O. Hazut, S. Yochelis, R. Yerushalmi, and Y. Paltiel, Self-Formed Nanogap Junctions for Electronic Detection and characterization of Molecules and Quantum Dots RCS Advanced, 7, 25861 - 25866 (2017).
Y. Kalcheim, E. Katzir, F. Zeides, N. Katz, Y. Paltiel. and O. Millo, Dynamic control of the vortex potential in a superconductor using current injection through nanoscale patterns Nano letters, 17, 2934–2939 (2017).
E. Cohen, I. Gdor, E. Romero, S. Yochelis, R. van Grondelle, and Y. Paltiel, Achieving Exciton Delocalization in Quantum Dot Aggregates Using Organic Linker Molecules
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 1014 (2017).
Y. Uliel, D. Cohen-Elias, N. Sicron, I. Grimberg, N. Sna, Y. Paltiel, and M. Katz, InGaAs/GaAsSb Type-II Superlattice Based Photodiodes for Short Wave Infrared Detection
O Ben Dor, I. Felner, S. Yochelis, and Y. Paltiel, Unusual ZFC and FC magnetic behavior in thin Co multi-layered structure Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 428, 357 (2017).
G. Koplovitz, D. Primc, O. Ben Dor, S. Yochelis, D. Rotem, D. Porath, and Y. Paltiel; Magnetic nano platelets based sn memory device operating at ambient temperatures Advanced Materials 29 1606748 (2017). (Back cover). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201606748
I. Eisenberg, F. Caycedo-Soler, D. Harris, S. Yochelis, S. Huelga, M. Plenio, N. Adir, N. Keren, Y. Paltiel Regulating the Energy Flow in a Cyanobacterial Light Harvesting Antenna Complex J. Phys. Chem. B 121 1240 (2017).
O. Ben Dor, S. Yochelis, A. Radko, K. Vankayala, E. Capua, A. Capua, S.-H. Yang, L. T. Baczewski, S. S. P. Parkin, R. Naaman, and Y. Paltiel, Magnetization Switching in Ferromagnets by Adsorbed Chiral Molecules without Current or External Magnetic Field, Nature Communications 8, 14567 (2017).
E. Katzir, N. Sukenik, Y. Kalcheim, H. Alpern, S. Yochelis, Y. Berlin, M. Ratner, O. Millo, and Y. Paltiel, Proximity effect through molecules, a way to probe electronic properties Small Methods 1 1600034 (2017).
T. V. Belysheva, M. I. Ikim, A. S. Il’inEmail, P. K. Kashkarov, M. N. Martyshov, Y. Paltiel. I. Trakhtenberg, N. P. Fantina, P. A. Forsh; Features of electrical and photoelectrical properties of nanocrystalline indium and zinc oxide films- Russian Journal of Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 10, 810–815 (2016).
H. Alpern, E. Katzir, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, and O. Millo, Unconventional superconductivity induced in Nb by adsorbed chiral molecules; New J. Phys. 18 113048 (2016).
T. Purcell, M. Galanty, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, T. Seideman Coupling Quantum Emitters to Random 2D Nanoplasmonic; The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 21837–21842 (2016).
A. Neubauer, S. Yochelis, G. Mittelman, I. Eisenberg, Y. Paltiel; Simple down conversion nano-crystal coatings for enhancing Silicon-solar cells efficiency. AIMS Materials Science, 3 1256-1265 (2016).
M. Eckshtain-Levi, E. Capua, S. Refaely-Abramson, S. Sarkar, Y. Gavrilov, S. Mathew, Y. Paltiel, Y. Levy, L. Kronik, and R. Naaman Cold Denaturation induces inversion of dipole and spin transfer in chiral peptide monolayers Nature Communications 7 10744 (2016).
M. Eckshtain-Levi, E. Capua, Y. Paltiel and R. Naaman; Hybrid Sensor Based on AlGaN/GaN Molecular Controlled Device; ACS sensors 1 185-189 DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.5b00047 (2016).
O Ben Dor, I. Felner, S. Yochelis, and Y. Paltiel, Unusual magnetic behavior in a chiral-based magnetic memory device Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 398, 259–263 (2016).
N. Livneh, M. Harats, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, and R. Rapaport, Efficient Collection of Light from Colloidal Quantum Dots with a Hybrid Metal-Dielectric Nanoantenna; ACS Photonics 2, 1669 (2015).
M. Brehm, H. Groiss, G. Bauer, D. Gerthsen, R. Clarke, Y. Paltiel, and Y. Yacoby, Atomic structure and composition distribution in wetting layers and islands of germanium grown on silicon (001) substrates Nanotechnology, 26, 485702 (2015).
M. Galanty, S. Yochelis, L. Stern, I. Dujovne, U. Levy, and Y. Paltiel, Extinction Enhancement from a Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Monolayer using Simple Thin Films Process; J. Phys. Chem. C 119 24991–24995 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b07583 (2015).
N. Peer, I. Dujovne, S. Yochelis, and Y. Paltiel, Nanoscale Charge Separation Using Chiral Molecules; ACS Photonics 2, 1476 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00343 (2015).
Chun-Hua Lu, W. i Guo, X.-Juan Qi, A. Neubauer, Y. Paltiel, and I. Willner, Hemin–G-quadruplex-crosslinked poly-N-isopropylacrylamide hydrogel: a catalytic matrix for the deposition of conductive polyaniline Chemical Science 6, 6659 (2015).
L. Bar-Eyal, I. Eisenberg, A. Faust, H. Raanan, R. Nevo, F. Rappaport, A. Krieger–Liszkay, P. S´etif, A. Thurotte, Z. Reich, A. Kaplan, I. Ohad, Y. Paltiel, N. Keren; An easily reversible structural change underlies mechanisms enabling desert crust cyanobacteria to survive desiccation BBA – Bioenergetics 1847, 1267 (2015).
I. Eisenberg, H. Alperna, V. Gutkinb, S. Yochelis, and Y. Paltiel, Dual mode UV/visible-IR gallium-nitride light detector Sensors & Actuators: A 233, 26–31 (2015).
A. Neubauer, S. Yochelis, Y. Amit, U. Banin, and Y. Paltiel, Highly Sensitive Room Temperature Infrared Hybrid Organic-Nanocrystal Detector Sensors & Actuators: A 229, 166 (2015).
Y. Nevo, N. Peer, S. Yochelis, M. Igbaria, S. Meirovitch, O. Shoseyov, and Y. Paltiel, Nano Bio Optically Tunable Composite Nanocrystalline Cellulose Films RSC Advances, 5, 7713 – 7719 (2015).
O. Westreich, M. Katz, Y. Paltiel, O. Ternyak, and N. Sicron, Low propagation loss in GaN/AlGaN-based ridge waveguides; Phys. Status Solidi A, 212 1043 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/pssa.201431663.
E. Cohen, M. Gruber, E. Romero, S. Yochelis, R. van Grondelle, and Y. Paltiel, Properties of Self-Assembled Hybrid Organic Molecule/Quantum Dot Multilayered Structures; J. Phys. Chem. C. 118 25725 (2014).
E. Katzir, S. Yochelis, F. Zeides, N. Katz, Silke Beherns, Y. Kalcheim, O. Millo, and Y. Paltiel, Increasing the critical temperature of Nb films by chemically linking magnetic nanoparticles using organic molecules Euro-Physics letters 108 37006 (2014).
O. Ben Dor, N. Morali, S. Yochelis, and Y. Paltiel, Local Light-Induced Magnetization Using Nanodots and Chiral Molecules; Nano letters 14 6042 (2014).
M. G. Harats, N. Livneh, S.Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, and R. Rapaport Highly Directional Emission of Photons from Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Positioned on Circular Plasmonic Lens Antennas; QELS Fundamental Science (2014).
E. Katzir, Yochelis, Azoubel, A. Shimoni, S. Magdassi, and Y. Paltiel, Tunable Inkjet Printed Hybrid Carbon Nanotubes/Nano Crystals Light Sensor; Sensors & Actuators: B (2014).
M. G. Harats, N. Livneh, G. Zaiats, S. Yochelis, Y. Paltiel, E. Lifshitz, and R. Rapaport, Full spectral and angular characterization of highly directional emission from nanocrystal quantum dots positioned on circular plasmonic lenses; Nano Lett., 14 166 (2014).
I. Eisenberg, S. Yochelis, R. Ben-Harosh, L. David, A. Faust, N. Even-Dar, H. Taha, N. M. Haegele, N. Adir, Nir Keren, and Y. Paltiel; Room-Temperature Biological Quantum Random Walk in Phycocyanin Nanowires; PCCP 16 11196 (2014) (cover).
A. Albrecht, G. Koplovitz, A. Retzker, F. Jelezko, S. Yochelis, D. Porath, Y. Nevo, O. Shoseyov, Y. Paltiel, M. B. Plenio, Self-assembling hybrid diamond-biological quantum devices New Journal of Physics 16 093002 (2014).
S. Vortman, O. Ben-Dor, S. Yochelis, Y. Amit, and Y. Paltiel, Mapng the Energy Band Structure of Nano Crystals Mono-Layers at Ambient Conditions; The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 22245–22249 (2013).
O. Ben Dor, S. Yochelis, S. P. Mathew, R. Naaman, and Y. Paltiel A chiral-based magnetic memory device without a permanent magnet; Nature Communications 4, 2256 DOI: 10.1038 (2013). Highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology: "A memory device with a twist"
Y. C. Zohar, S. Yochelis, K. A. Dahmen, G. Jung, and Y. Paltiel; Controlling avalanche criticality in 2D nano arrays Scientific Reports 3, 1845 (2013).
N. Elfassy, Y. Yacoby, S. K. Ray, R. K. Singha, S. Das, E. Cohen, S. Yochelis, R. Clarke, and Y. Paltiel, Morphology and growth of capped Ge/Si quantum dots J. Nanoparticle Research 15, 1608 (2013).
O. Koslovsky, S. Yochelis, N. Livneh, M. Harats, R. Rapaport, and Y. Paltiel, Simple method for surface selective adsorption of semiconductor nanocrystals with nanometric resolution, Journal of Nanomaterials 938495 2012 (2012).
A. Neubauer, S. Yochelis, I. Popov, A.Ben Hur, K. Gradkowski, U. Banin, and Y. Paltiel, Local Cathode Luminescence Resonant Peak in Hybrid Organic-Nanocrystal Systems Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 15641 (2012).
I. Schwartz, M. G. Harats N. Livneh, S. Yochelis, A. Strauss, A. Zimran, U. Banin, Y. Paltiel, and R. Rapaport, Theory and experiments of Bragg cavity modes in passive and active metallic nanoslit array devices JOSA B-Optical Physics A127 (2012).
E. Katzir, S. Yochelis, F. Zeides, N. Katz, Y. Kalcheim,O. Millo, G. Leitus, Y. Myasodeyov, B. Ya. Sharo, R. Naaman, and Y. Paltiel; Increased superconducting transition temperature of a niobium thin-film proximity-coupled to gold nanoparticles using linking organic molecules
S. Yochelis, E. Katzir, Y. Kalcheim, V. Gutkin, O. Millo, and Y. Paltiel, Formation of Au- Silane bonds, Journal of Nanotechnology 2012 903761 (2012).
E. Cohen, N. Elafassi, G. Koplovitz, S. Yochelis, S. Shusterman, D. P Kumah, R. Clarke, Y. Yacoby, and Y. Paltiel, Surface X-Ray Diffraction Results on the III-V Droplet Heteroetaxy Growth Process for Quantum Dots: Recent Understanding and Open Questions, Sensors 11 10624 (2011).
E. Katzir, S. Yochelis, and Y. Paltiel, Using the peak effect to ck the good organic couplers; Appl. Phys. Lett 98 223306 (2011).
N. Livneh, A. Strauss, I. Schwarz, I. Rosenberg, A. Zimran, S. Yochelis .G. Chen, U. Banin Y. Paltiel, and R. Rapaport; Highly directional emission and photon beaming from nanocrystal quantum dots embedded in metallic nanoslit arrays; Nano Lett. 11, 1630 (2011).
E. Cohen, S. Yochelis, S. Shusterman, D. P Kumah, R. Clarke, Y. Yacoby, and Y. Paltiel; Direct X-ray measurements of droplet heteroetaxy InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs substrate, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 243115 (2011).
Y. Paltiel, G. Jung, T. Aqua, D. Mocatta, U. Banin, and R. Naaman, Collective Effects in Charge Transfer within a Hybrid Organic-Inorganic System; Physical Review Letters 104, 016804 (2010).
S. Shusterman, A Reizmann, and Y. Paltiel; Narrow Gap Droplets Heteroetaxial Nanodots Growth Mode Infrared Physics and Technology 52, 229-234 (2009).
S. Shusterman, A. Raizman, A. Sher, Y. Paltiel, A. Schwarzman, O. Azriel, A. Boag, Y. Rosenwaks and P. L. Galindo; Two Dimensional Imaging of Strain and Composition Induced Confinement Potential in III-V Quantum Dots; Europhys Letters 88 66003 (2009).
D. P. Kumah, S. Shusterman, Y. Paltiel, Y. Yacoby, R. Clark.; Atomic-scale mapng of quantum dots formed by droplet etaxy Nature Nanotechnology 4 835 (2009).
T. Aqua, Y. Paltiel, R. Naaman, A. Aharoni, and U. Banin, Hybrid nanocrystals-organic-semiconductor light sensor; Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 223112 (2008).
A. Boucherif, D. Ban, H. Luo, E. Dupont, H.C.Liu, Z. R.Wasilewski, and Y. Paltiel, InAsSb based mid-infrared optical upconversion device operable at thermoelectric emperatures Electronics Letters 44 (2008).
Y. Sharabani, Y. Paltiel, A. Sher, and A. Zussman InAsSb/ GaSb heterostructure based mid wavelength infrared detector for high temperature operations Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 232106 (2007). (Impact factor 3.6, citations 24, Ranking 7/130 Applied Physics).
A. Ben Simon, Y. Paltiel, G. Jung, and H. Schneider Quantum Gunn Effect as a Source of Noise in Quantum Wells Phys. Rev. B 76, 235308 (2007).
S. Shusterman, A. Raizman, A. Sher, Y. Paltiel, A. Schwarzman, E. Lepkifker and Y. Rosenwaks , Nanoscale Mapng of Strain and Composition in Quantum Dots Using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Nano Lett.; 7 2089 (2007).
P. V. V. Jayaweera, S S. G. Matsik, S and A. G. U. Perera, Y. Paltiel, Ariel Sher, Arie Raizman,T H. Luo, and H. C. Liu ; GaSb homojunctions for Far-IR THz)Detection Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 111109 (2007).
Y. Paltiel O. Neumann, R. Naaman, A. Aharoni and U. Banin Self-assembling of InAs nanocrystals on GaAs- The effect of electronic coupling and embedded gold anoparticles on the photoluminescence; Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 1 (2006).
Z. G. Hu, A. G. U. Perera, M. Zhu, Y. Paltiel, A. Raizman, and A. Sher; Longitudinal-optical phonon hole plasmon coupled modes in heavily doped p-type GaSb:Zn etaxial films, European Physical Journal B 50, 403-410 (2006).
S. Shusterman, Y. Paltiel, A. Sher and Y. Rosenwaks High-density nanometer-scale InSb dots formation using MOVPE droplets heteroetaxial growth; Journal of Crystal growth 291, 363-369
Y. Paltiel, A. Sher, A. Raizman, D. Majer, A. Arbel, A. Feingold, J. Levy and R. Naaman; Uncooled infrared detector using a thin InAsSb layer acting as a gate on a GaAs Field Effect Transistor; IEEE sensors 6, 1195-1199 (2006).
Y. Paltiel, N. Sna and G. Jung Non-Gaussian dark current noise in a p-type QWIP, Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 231103 (2005).
Z. G. Hu, A. G. U. Perera, Y. Paltiel, and A. Sher; Hole concentration dependence of the absorption coefficient in p-type GaSb:Zn etaxial films at THz frequency regions; J Appl. Phys. 98 023511 (2005).
D. Ban, H. Luo, H. C. Liu, Z. R. Wasilewski, Y. Paltiel, A. Raizman and A. Sher; Mid-infrared optical up-converter; Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 201103 (2005).
Y. Paltiel, A. Zussman, N. Sna and A. Sher, G. Jung, K. Cohen, E. Benory and E. Weiss, Voltage tunability of High Performance Zn Doped p-type QWIP Grown by MOVPE; Infrared Phys. & Tech. October (2005).
Y.Paltiel, A. Sher, A. Raizman, S.Shusterman, M. Katz, A. Zemel, Z. Calahorra and M. Yassen, Metalorganic-vapor-phase-etaxy InSb P+nn+ photodiodes with low dark current; Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 5419 (2004).
E. Altshuler, T. H. Johansen, Y. Paltiel, P. Jin, K. E. Bassler, O. Ramos, Q. Y. Chen, G. F. Reiter, E. Zeldov, C. W. Chu, Vortex avalanches with robust statistics observed in superconducting niobium; Phys. Rev. B 70 140505 (2004).
E. Altshuler, T. H. Johansen, Y. Paltiel, P. Jin, K. E. Bassler, O. Ramos, G. F. Reiter, E. Zeldov, C. W. Chu, Experiments in superconducting vortex avalanches Physica C 408-10 501 (2004).
Y. Paltiel, G. Jung, Y. Myasoedov, M. L. Rappaport, E. Zeldov, M. Ocio, M. J.Higgins, and S. Bhattacharya, Velocity fluctuations dominated flux flow noise in the peak effect Europhys. Lett. 66 412 (2004).
Y. Fasano, M. Menghini, F. de la Cruz, Y. Paltiel, Y. Myasoedov, E. Zeldov, M. J. Higgins and S. Bhattacharya, Order-disorder phase transition in NbSe2: Absence of amorphous vortex matter; Phys. Rev. B 66 (2) 020512 (2002).
K. M. Mertes, Y Suzuki, M. P. Sarachik, Y. Paltiel, H. Shtrikman, and E. Zeldov, Ground-state tunneling in Mn-12-acetate; Phys. Rev. B 65 212401 (2002).
K. M. Mertes, Y Suzuki, M. P. Sarachik, Y. Paltiel, H. Shtrikman,T and E. Zeldov, Ground state tunneling due to a distribution of tunnel splittings in Mn-12-acetate; J Appl. Phys. 91 (10) 7161 (2002).
Y. Paltiel, G. Jung, Y. N. Myasoedov, M. L. Rappaport, E. Zeldov, M. J. Higgins, and S. Bhattacharya, V-I Characteristics in the vicinity of order-disorder transition in vortex matter Phys. Rev. B 66, 060503 (2002).
K. M. Mertes, Y. Suzuki, M. P. Sarachik, Y. Paltiel, H. Shitrikman, and E. Zeldov, Distribution of tunnel splitting in Mn12 acetate; Phys. Rev. Lett. 8722 7205 (2001).
Z. L. Xiao, E. Y. Andrei, Y. Paltiel, E. Zeldov, P. Shuk and M. Greenblatt, Edge and Bulk Transport in the Mixed State of a Type II Superconductor; Phys. Rev. B 65 094511 (2002).
Y. Paltiel, Y. N. Myasoedov, E. Zeldov, G. Jung, M. L. Rappaport, E. Zeldov, M. J. Higgins, and S. Bhattacharya, V-I characteristics in the vicinity of the order-disorder transition in vortex matter; Phys. Rev. B. 66 0605 (2002).
Y. Paltiel, G. Jung, Y. N. Myasoedov, M. L. Rappaport, E. Zeldov, M. J. Higgins, and S. Bhattacharya, Flux-flow noise in the vicinity of the peak effect Fluctuations and Noise Letters 2 L31 (2002).
Y. Paltiel, G. Jung, Y. N. Myasoedov, M. L. Rappaport, E. Zeldov M. J.Higgins, and S. Bhattacharya, Dynamic creation and annihilation of metastable vortex phase as a source of excess noise; Europhys. Lett. 58, 112 (2002).
K. M. Mertes, Y. Zhong, M. P. Sarachik, Y. Paltiel, H. Shitrikman, and E. Zeldov, Abrupt crossover between thermally activated relaxation and quantum tunneling in a molecular magnet; Europhys. Lett. 8722 7205 (2001).
S. S. James, A. M. Campbell, C. D. Dewhurst, D. McK Paul, S. B. Field, Y. Paltiel,S and E. Zeldov Flux nning mechanisms in ErNi2B2C; Phys. Rev. B 64 92512 (2001). (Impact factor 3.5, citations 10, Ranking 6/78 Condensed Matter Physics).
S. S. James, A. M. Campbell, C. D. Dewhurst, D. McK Paul, S. B. Field, Y. Paltiel and E. Zeldov, Flux nning mechanisms in ErNi2B2C; Phys. Rev. B 64 92512 (2001).
K. M. Mertes, Y. Zhong, M. P. Sarachik, Y. Paltiel, H. Shtrikman, and E. Zeldov, E. Rumberger and D. N. Hendrickson, Abrupt Transition between Thermally-Activated Relaxation and Quantum Tunneling in a Molecular Magnet; J. Appl. Phys. 89, 6802 (2001).
G. Jung, M. Ocio, C.E. Saclay, Y. Paltiel, H. Shtrikman, and E. Zeldov, Magnetic Noise Measurements Using Cross-correlated Hall Sensor Arrays; Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 359 (2001).
C. D. Dewhurst, S. S. James, R. A. Doyle, Y. Paltiel, E. Zeldov, and D. McK. Paul. Vortex nning, by Magnetic Order in ErNi2B2C; Phys. Rev. B. 63, R60501 (2001).
M. Konczykowski, C. J. van der Beek, S. Colson, M. V. Indenbom, P. H. Kes, Y. Paltiel, and E. Zeldov; Magnetization decay due to vortex phase boundary motion in BSCCO; Physica C 341-348, 1317 (2000).
Y. Paltiel, E. Zeldov, Y. N. Myasoedov, S. Bhattacharya, M. J. Higgins, E. Y. Andrei, Z. L. Xiao, H. Shtrikman,T P. L. Gammel, and D. J. Bishop; Local studies of vortex instabilities and memory effects in NbSe2 Physica C 341-348, 1221 (2000).
Y. Paltiel,;E. Zeldov, Y. N. Myasoedov, M. L. Rappaport, G. Jung, S. Bhattacharya, M. J. Higgins, Z. L. Xiao, E. Y. Andrei, P. L. Gammel, and D. J. Bishop, Instabilities and disorder-driven first-order Transition of the vortex lattice; Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3712 (2000).
S. S. James, C. D. Dewhurst, R. A. Doyle, D. McK. Paul, Y. Paltiel, E. Zeldov, and A. M. Campbell; Flux nning, surface and geometrical barriers in YNi2B2C Physica C 332, 173 (2000).
Y. Paltiel, D .T. Fuchs, E Zeldov, Y. N. Myasoedov, H Shtrikman, M. L. Rappaport, and E. Y. Andrei, Surface barrier dominated transport in NbSe2 Phys. Rev. B. 58, R14763 (1998).
Y. Abulafia, Y. Wolfus, M. McElfresh, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, Y. Paltiel, H. Shtrikman, and E. Zeldov; Hall-Array Gradiometer for Measurement of Magnetic Induction Vector in Superconductors; J. Appl. Phys. 85, 5471 (1999).
Y. Abulafia, M. McElfresh, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, Y. Paltiel, D. Majer, H. Shtrikman, and E. Zeldov; Measurement of The Magnetic Induction Vector in Superconductors Using Double Layer Hall Sensor Array, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2891 (1998).
Y. Paltiel, D. Mahalu, Hadas Shtrikman, G. Bunin and U. Meirav; Short-Period Surface Superlattice formed by Plasma Etching Semicond. Sci. Technol. 12, 987 (1997).
Y. Paltiel, U. Meirav, D. Mahalu, and Hadas Shtrikman; Envelope of Weiss Oscillations and the Role of Disorder in Surface Superlattices; Phys. Rev. B. 56, 6416 (1997).